Peak Suroloyo clean up
Top Suroloyo which is one Kulonprogo Sightseeing in DIY Province which has the enchanting beauty tours segaligus that contain a lot of myths and mysticism. In previous posts I've told some of the beauties of the Peak Suroloyo as one of the major tourist attractions in Yogyakarta. After several months I did not visit the Peak Suroloyo, once I had the opportunity to visit again ni Suroloyo Peak. Actually not for my trip this coming, but I have work to finish in the Top Suroloyo. But the opportunity is once again become an arena tour and the release of saturation for me. Peak Suroloyo regarded as the highest place during the era of the kingdom of Mataram. The gods are believed to be the highest peak somewhere, so the peak Suroloyo represented as the residence of the Gods.
There are interesting things that make me want to share stories. According to Mr. Salim guard Suroloyo Peak Peak has many years Suroloyo as "not getting the attention" because a lot of damage here and there are not being repaired. But the last few moments it seems there is a fairly serious effort from the Department of Tourism Kulonprogo Suroloyo To fix the Peak Regions. I see there are some changes that make the Peak Suroloyo increasingly looks lovely and beautiful. In the area around the parking lot was built with Solar lighting facilities, so even though the electricity grid lighting outages continue to function properly. The problem often faced by communities around the peak of the rainy season is Suroloyo on electricity padamnya in time sometimes for days. I personally can tolerate these conditions, the area is quite difficult to reach and rimbunyya trees is not easy for PLN to repair damage in Peak Electricity Suroloyo. With Solar Lighting could at least backup lighting in the Peak Suroloyo.
Another interesting facility is the beacon tower built in the area of peak Suroloyo. Beacon towers equipped with high-powered lights are designed to rotate 360 degrees so it can be seen from several miles away and add to the beauty of the peak Suroloyo. Although at the time of this visit in the Peak beacon tower lights Suroloyo not yet in operation but already looks elegant and beautiful. In addition to a rotating light is also equipped with lighting, leading to a road go up the Peak Suroloyo.Banyak visitors who deliberately took surolooyo visited the Peak in the early morning or staying to see the beauty of Sunrise in the morning. In the afternoon, do not lose many of the visitors who come to await the Sunset from the Top Suroloyo. Thus visitors will be more comfortable visiting the Peak Suroloyo At Night, or when dark.
Another interesting facility is the beacon tower built in the area of peak Suroloyo. Beacon towers equipped with high-powered lights are designed to rotate 360 degrees so it can be seen from several miles away and add to the beauty of the peak Suroloyo. Although at the time of this visit in the Peak beacon tower lights Suroloyo not yet in operation but already looks elegant and beautiful. In addition to a rotating light is also equipped with lighting, leading to a road go up the Peak Suroloyo.Banyak visitors who deliberately took surolooyo visited the Peak in the early morning or staying to see the beauty of Sunrise in the morning. In the afternoon, do not lose many of the visitors who come to await the Sunset from the Top Suroloyo. Thus visitors will be more comfortable visiting the Peak Suroloyo At Night, or when dark.
Other facilities are no less interesting is at the top Sariloyo, Sariloyo Peak is the other side of which is located adjacent Suroloyo West Peak Suroloyo. In this area the Flying Fox has built facilities which can raise our adrenaline. Play Flying Fox between the cliffs and ravines deep enough in the Peak Suroloyo a challenge and also has its own preoccupations. Views towards the Peak Suroloyo from this point truly incredible. Very beautiful and fascinating. In addition to the peak Suroloyo beautiful scenery can also be viewed in the direction Samigaluh and surrounding areas.
In terms of road infrastructure, local governments also started to add wide Kulonprogo road leading Suroloyo Peak area. Although not all the roads widened but is enough to show the seriousness of the Peak District Government Kulonprogo Suroloyo working. It's a pity if the great potential Suroloyo uncultivated beauty seriously, will not be many people who come and see the beauty Suroloyo. With the addition of some facilities and repair the roads to the summit Suroloyo, undoubtedly will be more crowded region. Success for Pemkab Kulonprogo.
Suroloyo Peak Seen From Sariloyo
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